Exhibition of paintings "Discovering the secrets of painting - InfraredArt" in the City Museum of Koprivnica

On January 13, 2019, the second circular, multimedia exhibition titled "Discovering Painting Secrets - InfraredArt" by Dijana Nazor Čorda opened in the Koprivnica Gallery.

Director of the Koprivnica Museum Robert Cimin welcomed visitors and presented the exhibition, and Koprivnica Mayor Michel Jaksic opened it.

In addition to the fifty pictures on the canvas, two films from past exhibitions are shown, with the view of the animation of paintings from the visual in a close infrared area. The IR camera exhibition reveals that not everything is always the way it seems at first glance. Thanks to various recording methods in art history, many copied paintings on canvas have been discovered.

Scientific analyzes and modern technology can be determined whether a picture hides another or more layers of completely different representations.

Theory InfraredArt the research of color pigments in the IR spectrum begins, which has led to the development of infrared art, that is, the methods of intentionally painting double paintings.

Art historian Iva Körbler wrote in the preface to the exhibition catalog:

"Only a few lovers and collectors of artwork are directed in the fact that there are some other copied scenes in the sub -layers, and it is precisely the infrared method of analysis not only to insight into the secrets of a picture, but often helped with the attribution of a valuable work to a particular artist. By creating a new artwork, the author contributes to the development of an invisible image and indicates a new possibility/perspective of painting in a medium of relay painting in a close infrared area in the application of double image. (…) This shows the idea and the concept of "Pictures in the picture" ahead of us in a whole new way, adapted to contemporary technology and chemical capabilities. "

At several exhibitions so far, which were the artistic part of her doctoral work, the author presented infrared double images.

In the picture of a visible naked eye we look at the paintings of color abstraction, and in the lower invisible layer there are figurative images that are visible only by infrared camera.

The exhibition was previously staged at the Varaždin City Museum, and was also realized by the funds of the City of Koprivnica and the Museum of the City of Koprivnica.

After Varaždin and Koprivnica, it was presented in Prelog, Trakošćan, and it is planned to be exhibited in the Mimara Museum after the earthquake reconstruction.

The exhibition art exhibition was set by Robert Cimin with the author of the exhibition, and Technically Sasa Hrenic and Renato Horvat. The opening of the exhibition was photographed by Antun Bukovec. The exhibition could be viewed until July 19, 2020.

More on the website:

  • https://epodravina.hr/nesto-drugacije-izlozba-infraredart-vidljiva-samo-infracrvenom-kamerom-dijana-nazor-predstavit-ce-se-u-petak-koprivnickoj-publici/ (December 12, 2019).
  • https://drava.info/2019/12/otvorena-izlozba-infrared-art-dijana-nazor/ (13 December 2019).
  • https://glaspodravine.hr/mgkotkrivanje-slikarskih-tajni-infraredart-spoj-umjetnosti-i-znanosti-na-zadnjoj-ovogodisnjoj-izlozbi-u-galeriji-koprivnica/ (December 11, 2012).


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Dijana Nazor Corda was born in 1971 in Split. She received her PhD at the Postgraduate Doctoral Study Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts at the University of Zagreb in 2017. She graduated in 1995 at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Sciences and Educational Areas in Split, today the Academy of Arts, and earned the title of professor of fine arts culture-restorer. In 1990, she graduated from the School Center for Applied Arts and Design in Split. She has received several awards, awards and praise for artistic work. He lives and works in Zagreb.

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