On September 15, 2016, students of the eighth grade of Elementary School Samobor, led by art teacher Slaven Jurić, visited Dijana Nazor Čorda's exhibition "Images in the infrared region - putting away the visible" at the Prica Gallery in Samobor. The exhibition is the artistic part of the doctoral thesis.
During their visit, the author gave a short lecture, took them through the exhibition, showed them hidden pictures and explained the idea and process of creating the work in an accessible way.
The students saw the pictures in two spectrum for the first time and did not hide the surprise seen. Some of the students' impressions when visiting this exhibition are best shown by their experience of the pictures:
- "I was magical at the exhibition. I think that in the future, the secret meaning of the paintings could be transmitted in the future. I really liked the presentation of these pictures and the way we could all look at them. ”R. S.
- "This exhibition is special, so far I haven't seen anything like that. This is the right step of freedom and the idea for fine arts (…). ”B. R.
- "I really liked the exhibition because at first I thought it was just ordinary pictures, but when the author showed us what it really was, I was extremely pleasantly surprised and I would repeat it again." I. G.
- "I liked the exhibition because it was different from everything I've seen so far. They were not the usual boring pictures, but you have to look through the camera. I also liked the film of restoring the paintings from which I learned a lot. ”B. B.
- “This is a special and unique exhibition. With the help of the camera, we see another picture on the same surface. I like infrared painting, but it looks complex and complicated. A lot of effort has been put into the works and that can be seen. ”D. P.
- "I think the exhibition was unique and very original. A true example of modern art, that is, something new as a way of painting under infrared light, which could be a new trend and style of painting in the 21st century. ”J. L.
- "I was extremely impressed by the exhibition that our class teacher took us to. It wasn't like the other exhibitions I've been to because the pictures I saw are special and different from the others. They hide their real message and are only visible under certain light, which impressed me because I didn't expect that. "I.V.
More on the website:
- Profile Klett. Images in the infrared region: delaying the visible. https://www.profil-klett.hr/slike-u-infracrvenom-podrucju-odlaganje-vidljivog (December 1, 2016).
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